Pastebin Service
Popular Themes & Awesome Language Support!
PasteMe is an open-source pastebin service that works with the power of RESTful APIs. Install the
package and start pasting right from your terminals and CLI shells.
pip install -U pasteme-cli
PyPi Package Statistics
Oct. 28, 2024Overall Service Stars
Overall Downloads
Overall Package Stars
Developed by
Collove is a lovely community where people help each other to find solutions and innovate new techs with help of open source and collaborative tools. PasteMe is a simple result of this collaboration!
Join the Community &
Develop PasteMe!
PasteMe is an open-source Django-based service that is being developed on GitHub. Join the community and feel free to contribute.
Hashnode X PlanetScale!
PasteMe is developed for the great Hashnode's July Hackathon. By this partnership with PlanetScale, all your pastes and snippets are stored in the powerful PlanetScale databases!